Same Face Different Countries

I found this on a website the other day, thought of sharing it with you

Finding the average face of people across the world was a tough job but someone had to do it. This Guy basically takes a thousands and thousands images of everyday people from any city and the software makes an 'average' of the people, giving one final portrait. Take a look at this amazing project called "World of Facial Averages"

Average Spaniard Male
Average Spaniard Male
Average Spaniard Female
Average Spaniard Female

Average Saudi Male
Average Saudi Male

Average Spaniard Male
Average Spaniard Male
Average Spaniard Female
Average Spaniard Female

Average Saudi Male
Average Saudi Male
Average Israeli Male
Average Israeli Male
Average Golden Age Actor
Average Modern Actor
Average Modern Actor
Modern vs Golden Age Actress 

Average African American Male
Average African American Male
Average African American Female
Average African American Female

West African Female - Senegal to Angola
West African Female - Senegal to Angola

Average Mainland Han Chinese Male
Average Mainland Han Chinese Male
Average Mainland Han Chinese Woman
Average Mainland Han Chinese Woman


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